Illinois Chris Travels to Missouri

I told you what a good model Chris would become back in the original story on him, open to traveling down to Arkansas to shoot with me and at the end of July, he traveled up here to shoot with me and some photographer friends as well….at least that was the way the shoot was set up…for a couple of other photographers to join in and shoot Chris and a couple of other models…except that Chris was the only model to show up and only one of my photographer friends showed up to join us…I let Matt work with him first for the first couple of hours…and then I joined in and Matt watched me work him thru the hoops…Chris is a natural model and handles the hoops just fine. Matt stuck around to watch me work and pick up some posing tips….I started Chris off in the cellar steps in holie jeans….

01 Storm Cellar Stairs   02 Storm Cellar Stairs

04 Storm Cellar Stairs

…and then we moved to the neat little stone building on the property, that has some beautiful lighting inside….

05 Stone Bldg Window Light     06 Stone Bldg Window Light

…and then on to the tack room in the horse barn…it was getting very warm outside by then and Chris started working up a natural sheen of sweat inside the tack room, which can get quite warm on its own….not only did I dress him up as a sexy ranch hand but I saddled him down as well…with…. a saddle…..

09 Cowboy & Saddle   10 Chaps Cowboy

12 Chaps Cowboy    13 Hayloft Barn Boy

14 Hayloft Barn Boy

…we didn`t stick around a whole lot longer after the barn photos, except to let Chris cool down in the pool before we headed out. Can`t wait to work with Chris again….