Swimwear & Lingerie Shoot KC June 2010

One evening in late May, I was talking to a pretty female model named Kena, online on a modeling website…we`ve been talking for about six months and trying to mesh our schedules so we can work together and she invited me to a swimwear/lingerie expose up in the Kansas City area. At the time she invited me, it seemed nearly impossible to even consider, but after a few days of thought and a talk with the photographer that set the shoot up, I decided to give it a shot. Jason Ruark of the Joplin area, set the expose shoot up and told me that there would be about five or six photographers at the shoot, which would take place at a huge mansion that was nicely decorated and furnished, which was an understatement, and that the grounds included an in-ground pool and nice landscaping. The estate the shoot took place at was about ten to twenty acres in size….although we never did utilize the entire area….and a few miles south of the Overland Park metro area. Twelve female models were slated to show up and shoot and at the last count, I believe there were closer to fifteen to eighteen models there. I wound up working with about ten models.

We started shooting Friday night after it got dark, in the driveway, and maybe due to the heat and humidity…Jason hooked up a waterhose to a nozzle and attached it to a high stepladder to emit a nice spray down on the driveway, after we wet the asphalt down to obtain better reflections. Ashley started out the shoot in a black vinyl bikini and showed us photographers how to strut her stuff and stay cool as well…..

Arty and Sexy


Bending and Stretching



and boy does Ashley know how to strut and pose and bend and stretch….


Gorgeous Stretches



Sexy Babe Gets Wet


and this is a pic of the entire set up, from back behind the scenes as they say…


Me Shooting Ashley in KC at Expose



We actually worked with two gals named Ashley Friday evening, blonde Ashley and brunette Ashley…however my photos of brunette Ashley didnt turn out so well. 

We kept shooting til the gals froze out which was about midnight, with a nice lightning storm off to the north in the distant skies to keep us entertained as well,  a storm front moving east across the northern Missouri skies.

The next morning, we started off with breakfast, cooked up by our mansion host, Gary Peterson, and then after a short workshop class, we drew names and began shooting models. I chose the name of Veronica, but as everyone else began shooting, I found myself with no model ready for shooting, so after about thirty minutes, this very beautiful tall blonde babe came up and asked me if I needed someone to work with and I said yes. Her name was Vanessa, she is a Maxim Model, and I later found out she is married to a Tulsa Firefighter….he is a very lucky man.

Vanessa was wearing orange colored lingerie, so I decided to photograph her in the master bedroom, which has a very elegant bed with small porcelain columns on the end posts and a Victorian style chaise at the foot of the bed, and that is where we started shooting.




Talk about enticing….I really enjoyed working with Vanessa, very nice and easy on the eyes, as well as easy to work with, she just flows along very well…


Master Bedroom Babe



Master Bedroom Babe 2


Masterbedroom Babe 3



and she really knew how to work that chaise couch…


Innocent Teaser


as well as the bed…


Innocent and Gorgeous 2


and this bedroom, facing the back of the home, had a beautiful alcove window, so we naturally took advantage of the windowlight coming in…


Babe of the Bedroom


Babe of the Bedroom Flirts 2


We shot for about an hour inside the bedroom and since there was no sign of my model, she went to change outfits and was hijacked by another photographer, so I wandered outside to see how things were going out by the pool, where most of the photographers started shooting that morning……I ran into Veronica out there and she went inside to change into some swimwear and said she would be right back.

As I was standing there, this gorgeous gal named Kristin, from Fayetteville, Arkansas, came up, introduced herself and offered to work with me while I was waiting for Veronica, and so we walked over to the fountain behind the master bedoom windows and began shooting.

After just a few minutes of working with her, Veronica showed up to work with me in a multicolored bright bikini, contrasted against her pale complexion and beautiful make up job, I decided to start her out in the beautiful flowers scattered all over the backyard. She quickly moved over to a small white arched trellis and snuggled up with some purple clematis climbers…..

Flower Babe


Now you talk about a fair skinned beauty who knows how to flirt with a camera…I had a real seductress on my hands for about an hour that morning…


Flower Child


and such beautiful eyes too….captivating…





then she moved around and took advantage of the boxy trellis to show off her nice legs…


Flower Flirt



After a few minutes outside, the heat and humidity became unbearable for us, and the mosquitoes were taking advantage of us and making us into a mid morning snack, so we decided to move things inside and do a clothing change. After a short break, Veronica and I resumed shooting in the master bedroom after selecting a beautiful teal blue lingerie outfit that complimented her makeup and eyes….and she really turned on the seductress role then….


Seductress in Blue


And had some great ideas for posing on the chaise….

Beauty and Her Eyes


….and the bed with those captivating eyes….

Captivating Eyes



Those Eyes....



Flirty Bed Babe


….and then she worked the mirror on the dresser as well….


Innocent Mirror Babe 2



Innocent Mirror Babe 3


…and what a windowlight flirt….


Windowlight Flirt



Windowlight Babe Flirts



I definitely would have liked to have worked with Veronica more that day, but shortly after shooting her for an hour, she was hijacked as well…stay tuned for part two and three…